Video e testo. COLDPLAY – “Higher Power”. Benvenuti a Kaotica!

E’ on line il video di Higher Power il nuovo singolo dei Coldplay.
Il regista superstar Dave Meyers ha firmato le incredibili immagini del video in cui la band esplora un pianeta distrutto ma coloratissimo chiamato Kaotica, il cui alfabeto alieno (il Kaotican) compare nel video e sulla copertina di Higher Power.
Kaotica è popolato da cani robot, ologrammi giganti e da una gang di ballerini alieni, interpretati dalla Ambiguous Dance Company di Seoul.
Meyers ha dichiarato: “Il video è una metafora di come, in questo momento, tutti ci sentiamo alienati, allontanati a forza dal nostro mondo, come se fossimo su un pianeta alieno. Alla fine ritroviamo l’amore nelle strade e quell’euforia ci fa volare nella stratosfera della nostra stessa energia e del nostro potere superiore.”
Dalla sua uscita, Higher Power ha già superato 75 milioni di stream ed è per la terza settimana consecutiva al #1 della classifica dei brani più trasmessi in radio in Italia.
Three, two, one
Sometimes I just can’t take it
Sometimes I just can’t take it and it isn’t alright
I’m not gonna make it
And I think my shoe’s untied (Ooh-ooh)
I’m like a broken record
I’m like a broken record and I’m not playin’ right
Drocer nekorb a ekil mi
‘Til you tell me on your heavenly phone
To hold tight (Hold tight)
Come on (Come on), come on (Come on)
Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh-oh
Come on (Come on), come on (Come on)
Yeah, don’t let go oh, oh, oh-oh
Hold tight (Hold tight), hold tight (Hold tight)
Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh-oh
“It’s alright, it’s alright” you said
I’ve got my hands up shakin’ just to let you know
That you’ve got a higher power
Got me singin’ every sеcond, dancin’ every hour
Oh yeah, you’vе got a higher power
And you’re really someone I wanna know, ooh
This boy is electric
This boy is electric and you’re sparklin’ like the universe connected
And I’m buzzin’ night after night after night (Oh-oh)
This joy is electric
This joy is electric and you’re circuiting through
I’m so happy that I’m alive
Happy I’m alive at the same time as you
‘Cause you’ve got a higher power
Got me singin’ every second, dancin’ every hour
Oh yeah, you’ve got a higher power
And you’re really someone I wanna know
(I wanna know, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh)
You’ve got, yeah, you’ve got a higher
You’ve got, yeah, you’ve got a higher
You’ve got, yeah, you’ve got a higher
You’ve got, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh-oh
You’ve got, oh, you’ve got a high
You’ve got, yeah, you’ve got a higher
You’ve got, oh, you’ve got a high
My hands up shaking just to let you know now