YSUSUF / CAT STEVENS “Teaser and the Firecat” ripubblicato per il 50esimo anniversario

Yusuf/Cat Stevens celebra l’album che lo ha consacrato precursore dell’intero movimento cantautorale. “Teaser and the Firecat”, l’album uscito nel 1971, sarà ripubblicato in varie edizioni il prossimo 12 novembre 2021.
Cat Stevens ottenne un successo fenomenale con i suoi primi album, ma fu ‘Teaser and the Firecat’, il suo terzo LP per l’Island Records, che lo rese una vera star mondiale, grazie ad alcuni brani diventati veri e propri hit universali: “Moonshadow”, “Peace Train” e “Morning Has Broken”, canzoni scritte da un giovane artista immerso in una continua ricerca spirituale, che avrebbero dato il via ad una struggente nuova ondata di autori pieni di sentimento. Il brano “The Wind” regalò poi un’ulteriore spinta alla fama di “Teaser and the Firecat”; l’album salì infatti nuovamente alla ribalta con l’uso della canzone nel celeberrimo film di Wes Anderson “Rushmore” e nel film premio Oscar di Cameron Crowe, “Almost Famous”.
Grazie al suo incantevole dono per la scrittura ed alla sua visione introspettiva, Cat Stevens riuscì a trasmettere un senso universale di speranza e pace in “Teaser and the Firecat”, qualcosa che risuona ancora oggi in modo profondo.
“Teaser and the Firecat” venne pubblicato in un anno di album ed eventi che avrebbero avuto eco per decenni. Il 1971 fu un anno di transizione nella cultura pop con album come “Imagine” di John Lennon, “Hunky Dory” di David Bowie, “Blue” di Joni Mitchell, “What’s Going On” di Marvin Gaye, “Sticky Fingers” dei Rolling Stones e ‘IV’ dei Led Zeppelin, dischi che divennero allo stesso tempo la colonna sonora della sensazionale marcia di 500.000 persone contro la guerra in Vietnam a Washington DC, la più grande manifestazione contro la guerra nella storia degli Stati Uniti, e della “Fight of the Century” al Madison Square Garden di New York, che vide Joe Frazier piegare Muhammad Ali alla sua prima sconfitta in assoluto.
Superati gli anni ’60, con lo scioglimento dei Beatles e la scomparsa di Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin e Jim Morrison, si respirava un’aria di cambiamento in campo musicale ed insieme al successo di generi come l’heavy rock ed il funk/R&B di Funkadelic e Sly & the Family Stone, quella divenne l’era del cantautore. Oltre a far parte di questo movimento, Cat Stevens stesso ne fu ispirato.
Mezzo secolo dopo, “Teaser and the Firecat” viene ripubblicato in una nuova Super Deluxe Edition, 4CD, Blu-Ray, 2LP e un singolo 7” in vinile (“Moonshadow” con ben 41 tracce audio inedite e 21 performance dal vivo per la prima volta raccolte in Blu-ray, un intero CD e LP di demo in studio e alternate mix; una splendida replica di 44 pagine del libro originale “Teaser and the Firecat”, scritto e illustrato a mano da Yusuf nel 1972, e ora tradotto in 10 lingue; un libro di saggi di 108 pagine, oltre ad altre rarità. Il box, ultimo di una serie di cofanetti che comprende ad oggi “Back To Earth”, “Mona Bone Jakon” e Tea for the Tillerman”, celebra l’album con il contributo di Yusuf e di suo figlio Yoriyos, che ha curato e disegnato ogni cofanetto.
Questa edizione include in esclusiva un LP con una tracklist che comprende 5 esibizioni dal vivo a Montreux nel 1971 e 6 BBC Recordings; nel Blu-Ray, una versione restaurata del video animato del 1977 per “Moonshadow”, una performance dal vivo di “The Wind” del 2020, oltre a 21 brani dal vivo.
Nella raccolta è presente anche “Bitterblue²”, una nuova versione registrata per l’occasione del brano presente all’interno dell’album “Teaser”.
Le altre versioni per il 50° anniversario di “Teaser and the Firecat”:
Super Deluxe Edition: CD Edition con 4CD, Blu-ray e libro di 108 pagine con soft cover.
2CD Deluxe Edition.
CD Rimasterizzato.
VINILE/LP Rimasterizzato.
La rimasterizzazione ed il remix per il 50° anniversario dell’album sono stati curati da David Hefti e l’intero progetto è stato completato agli Abbey Road Studios con la supervisione del produttore originale dell’album Paul Samwell-Smith.
Contemporaneamente alle celebrazioni del 50° anniversario di “Teaser and the Firecat”, Yusuf/Cat Stevens ha collaborato l’autore e illustratore di bestseller del New York Times Peter H. Reynolds alla realizzazione di Peace Train, un libro per bambini che celebra il cinquantesimo anniversario dell’iconica canzone. Con illustrazioni e i testi senza tempo di un vero inno alla pace, questo libro illustrato colmo di speranza, continua l’impegno di Yusuf per l’educazione dei bambini e l’amore per le persone di tutte le culture e identità.
Le edizioni Super Deluxe per il 50° anniversario di “Teaser and the Firecat” usciranno il 12 novembre 2021. I dettagli completi del formato sono elencati di seguito.
VINYL EDITION (4CD/Blu-ray/2LP/7”)
CD1: Teaser and the Firecat (50th Anniversary Remaster)
1. The Wind
2. Rubylove
3. If I Laugh
4. Changes IV
5. How Can I Tell You
6. Tuesday’s Dead
7. Morning Has Broken
8. Bitterblue
9. Moonshadow
10. Peace Train
CD2: Demos, Alternate Versions, Bonus Tracks
1. The Wind (Dubville Sessions 2020)
2. Rubylove (Studio Demo)
3. If I Laugh (Studio Demo)
4. Changes IV (Alternate Mix, 1971)
5. How Can I Tell You (Studio Demo)
6. Tuesday’s Dead (Studio Demo)
7. Morning Has Broken (Basing Street Rehearsal)
8. Bitterblue (Basing Street Rehearsal)
9. Moonshadow (Olympic Studio Demo, 1970)
10. Peace Train (Extended String Mix, 1971)
11. The Day They Make Me Tsar (Studio Demo)
12. I Want To Live In A Wigwam
13. Fisherman Song (Studio Demo)
14. Changes IV (Studio Demo)
15. Tuesday’s Dead (Alternate Mix, 1971)
16. Morning Has Broken (Studio Demo)
17. Bitterblue² (Reimagined 2021)
CD3: Live On Air, UK, 1971
1. Moonshadow (BBC Radio Session, 8th November 1970)
2. Tuesday’s Dead (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
3. How Can I Tell You (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
4. Peace Train (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
5. Moonshadow (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
6. Bitterblue (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
7. Moonshadow (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
8. Where Do The Children Play? (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
9. Longer Boats (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
10. Tuesday’s Dead (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
11. Sad Lisa (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
12. Hard Headed Woman (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
13. Father and Son (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
14. If I Laugh (The Old Grey Whistle Test, BBC TV, 5th October 1971)
15. Changes IV (The Old Grey Whistle Test, BBC TV, 5th October 1971)
16. Moonshadow (Cat Stevens In Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
17. Tuesday’s Dead (Cat Stevens In Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
18. How Can I Tell You (Cat Stevens In Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
19. Bitterblue (Cat Stevens In Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
20. Changes IV (Cat Stevens In Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
CD4: Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971
1. Intro (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
2. Hard Headed Woman (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
3. On The Road To Find Out (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
4. Wild World (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
5. Longer Boats (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
6. Maybe You’re Right (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
7. Sad Lisa (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
8. Miles From Nowhere (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
9. Katmandu (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
10. Lady D’Arbanville (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
11. Father And Son (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
12. Where Do The Children Play? (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
13. Peace Train (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
BLU – RAY HD 24bit/48kHz audio
Teaser and the Firecat (50th Anniversary Remaster)
1. The Wind
2. Rubylove
3. If I Laugh
4. Changes IV
5. How Can I Tell You
6. Tuesday’s Dead
7. Morning Has Broken
8. Bitterblue
9. Moonshadow
10. Peace Train
1. The Wind
2. Moonshadow
Cat Stevens Live In Montreux, Switzerland (2nd May 1971)
1. Longer Boats
2. Sad Lisa
3. Wild World
4. Katmandu
5. Lady D’Arbanville
6. Where Do The Children Play?
7. Peace Train
Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends (Yorkshire TV) (7th September 1971)
1. Moonshadow
2. Where Do The Children Play?
3. Longer Boats
4. Tuesday’s Dead
5. Sad Lisa
6. Hard Headed Woman
7. Father And Son
The Old Grey Whistle Test (BBC TV) (5th October 1971)
1. If I Laugh
2. Changes IV
Cat Stevens In Concert (BBC TV) (27th November 1971)
1. Moon Shadow
2. Tuesday’s Dead
3. How Can I Tell You
4. Bitterblue
5. Changes IV
1. The Wind (Dubville Sessions 2020)
2. Rubylove (Studio Demo)
3. If I Laugh (Studio Demo)
4. Changes IV (Studio Demo)
5. How Can I Tell You (Studio Demo)
1. Tuesday’s Dead (Studio Demo)
2. Morning Has Broken (Basing Street Rehearsal)
3. Bitterblue (Basing Street Rehearsal)
4. Moonshadow (Olympic Studio Demo, 1970)
5. Peace Train (Extended String Mix, 1971)
LP2: LIVE 1971
SIDE 1: Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971
1. Hard Headed Woman
2. Wild World
3. Lady D’Arbanville
4. Father And Son
5. Peace Train
SIDE 2: Live At The BBC, 1971
1. Moonshadow (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
2. If I Laugh (The Old Grey Whistle Test, 5th October 1971)
3. Tuesday’s Dead (Cat Stevens In Concert, 27th November 1971)
4. How Can I Tell You (Cat Stevens In Concert, 27th November 1971)
5. Bitterblue (Cat Stevens In Concert, 27th November 1971)
6. Changes IV (Cat Stevens In Concert, 27th November 1971)
1. Moonshadow
2. Spike Milligan narration
CD EDITION (4CD/Blu-ray)
CD1: Teaser and the Firecat (50th Anniversary Remaster)
The Wind
If I Laugh
Changes IV
How Can I Tell You
Tuesday’s Dead
Morning Has Broken
Peace Train
CD2: Demos, Alternate Versions, Bonus Tracks
The Wind (Dubville Sessions 2020)
Rubylove (Studio Demo)
If I Laugh (Studio Demo)
Changes IV (Alternate Mix, 1971)
How Can I Tell You (Studio Demo)
Tuesday’s Dead (Studio Demo)
Morning Has Broken (Basing Street Rehearsal)
Bitterblue (Basing Street Rehearsal)
Moonshadow (Olympic Studio Demo, 1970)
Peace Train (Extended String Mix, 1971)
The Day They Make Me Tsar (Studio Demo)
I Want To Live In A Wigwam
Fisherman Song (Studio Demo)
Changes IV (Studio Demo)
Tuesday’s Dead (Alternate Mix, 1971)
Morning Has Broken (Studio Demo)
Bitterblue² (Reimagined 2021)
CD3: Live On Air, UK, 1971
Moonshadow (BBC Radio Session, 8th November 1970)
Tuesday’s Dead (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
How Can I Tell You (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
Peace Train (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
Moonshadow (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
Bitterblue (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
Moonshadow (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
Where Do The Children Play? (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
Longer Boats (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
Tuesday’s Dead (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
Sad Lisa (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
Hard Headed Woman (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
Father and Son (Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends, Yorkshire Television, 7th September 1971)
If I Laugh (The Old Grey Whistle Test, BBC TV, 5th October 1971)
Changes IV (The Old Grey Whistle Test, BBC TV, 5th October 1971)
Moonshadow (Cat Stevens In Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
Tuesday’s Dead (Cat Stevens In Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
How Can I Tell You (Cat Stevens In Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
Bitterblue (Cat Stevens In Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
Changes IV (Cat Stevens In Concert, BBC TV, 27th November 1971)
CD4: Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971
Intro (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
Hard Headed Woman (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
On The Road To Find Out (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
Wild World (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
Longer Boats (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
Maybe You’re Right (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
Sad Lisa (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
Miles From Nowhere (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
Katmandu (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
Lady D’Arbanville (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
Father And Son (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
Where Do The Children Play? (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
Peace Train (Live In Montreux, 2nd May 1971)
BLU – RAY Teaser and the Firecat (50th Anniversary Remaster) HD 24bit/48kHz audio
The Wind
If I Laugh
Changes IV
How Can I Tell You
Tuesday’s Dead
Morning Has Broken
Peace Train
The Wind
Cat Stevens Live In Montreux, Switzerland (2nd May 1971)
Longer Boats
Sad Lisa
Wild World
Lady D’Arbanville
Where Do The Children Play?
Peace Train
Out Front: Cat Stevens And Friends (Yorkshire TV) (7th September 1971)
Where Do The Children Play?
Longer Boats
Tuesday’s Dead
Sad Lisa
Hard Headed Woman
Father And Son
The Old Grey Whistle Test (BBC TV) (5th October 1971)
If I Laugh
Changes IV
Cat Stevens In Concert (BBC TV) (27th November 1971)
Moon Shadow
Tuesday’s Dead
How Can I Tell You
Changes IV
CD1: Teaser and the Firecat (50th Anniversary Remaster)
1. The Wind
2. Rubylove
3. If I Laugh
4. Changes IV
5. How Can I Tell You
6. Tuesday’s Dead
7. Morning Has Broken
8. Bitterblue
9. Moonshadow
10. Peace Train
CD2: Demos, Alternate Versions, Bonus Tracks
1. The Wind (Dubville Sessions 2020)
2. Rubylove (Studio demo)
3. If I Laugh (The Old Grey Whistle Test, BBC TV, 5th October 1971)
4. Changes IV (Studio demo)
5. How Can I Tell You (Studio demo)
6. Tuesday’s Dead (BBC Radio Session, 23rd March 1971)
7. Morning Has Broken (Basing Street Rehearsal, 1975)
8. Bitterblue² (Reimagined 2021)